“Little by little, a little becomes a LOT” .
What’s crazy to me, is how TRUE this is for any--> ANY part of our journey that we find ourselves on right now. .
If you’re learning to play the piano- even practicing 5 or 10 minutes a day can improve your skills of punchin’ those ivories over the course of a year. .
Think you suck at cooking? How about start with preparing ONE meal per week and see how you improve, not only in the end result, but the efficiency of it all. .
In middle school, I played the baritone (I often sounded like a whale in heat when it was my turn to play)
BUT do you know WHY I sounded like that?
BECAUSE I NEVER practiced!
I tell my students before EVERY SINGLE class
“I want to remind you, in case you’re getting frustrated that if you can’t “get a move”---I want you to know that I have done this routine AT LEAST 70 times, so if you TRULY want to compare yourself- do the move 70 times over 5-6 months AND THEN let’s talk.”
My tone isn’t condescending when I say this- it’s meant to lighten the mood a little in case there is ONE person thinking, “I SUCK at this- I’m never going to get it- I’m never trying out another class again”
I only know this dialogue, because I have that sort of talk sometimes-
But like the dumb phrase our 3rd grade teachers told us over and over again-
practice makes perfect. .
If you want to improve IN WHATEVER YOU are pursuing- you have to do the work, make mistakes, enjoy triumphs- because these ALL happen while doing “a little by little” each and every day.