
We had our first snow here in Spokane (which was great, because it got me thinking of what all I need to do to get ready)

It’s been about 5 years since we lived in a place that had a proper winter, so it got me thinking of all the things I need to do to prepare- such as--start packing “emergency snow kit” for the car and to get some extra flares--just in case. “can never be too prepared” ←-says some random mom waggin’ her finger at me in my head

I also wanted to give a shout out to my friend over @lydihooks for takin’ the leap and starting to sell these beautiful yarn ‘twisted knot’ ear warmers. .

She is bustin’ em out like no ones business and has baby head sized ones too!

Headbands are pretty much attached to my noggin’, so I had to have some.

She makes all sort of colors and (they would make great stocking stuffers too)

Side note: taking pictures of myself will never not be awkward.

You’re welcome.



