
“You can’t multitask presence” -Cindy Crawford

I love listening to podcasts while I’m lettering and my newest favorite is “masterclass” with Oprah. .

She’s hardly ever in it- but it features celebrities as they tell their life stories, and I think they are presented so beautifully. .

I have new favorites with each one I listen to, but today during lettering- it was Cindy Crawford.

I don’t know much about her besides the obvious, but she tells a story about her little brother dying of leukemia at the age of 2 and the effect it had on her family growing up. .

She said one thing that caught me off guard (probably because I was listening AND lettering AND thinking about the past and future…)

She said, “if you go on a date with your husband, enjoy it and don’t regret NOT putting the kids to bed that night, if you are putting your kids to bed→ try and not think about all the dishes you have to do--etc. You CAN’T multitask being present”

And it just got me.

I spend so much of my time wishing for another time- or daydreaming about the future, or what WOULD have HAPPENED IF I had done something differently in the past-

that I hardly ever enjoy the now.

The typing of this thought, the ability to share with you all- the smell of my daughters hair (a mix of oreos and soap) Don’t ask…

But I find myself constantly being pulled by something else, when what I really want is to just be.



