
Recently, I have met so many neat people through Instagram.

I have finally put away my discman and downloaded spotify (ie. I’m trying real HARD to keep up with the new age) & that has led me to joining this social media platform about a decade later than my friends.

Although there are some odd things about it (I got a message the other day of a picture of boobs-with a women telling me to follow her-what the heck right?) I feel like the benefits far outweigh the boob pics. .

I often turn to you all for help with questions and recommendations (in my stories or posts) and you all ALWAYS deliver!-better than google ads-

so when I asked for help with marketing a while back, one of my IG friends told me about Andie and her new project she’s started here in Spokane called @gtbspokane

I met Andie for coffee about 2-3 weeks ago and she is wonderful, truly wanting to connect women (& MEN) in the area for networking and community.

We share the bond of being military spouses and can relate on how difficult it is to make friends at new locations. .

NOT knowing anything about ‘gals that brunch’ she told me that it’s a nationwide thing, in TONS of cities (I guess that’s what nationwide means eh Jamie?) .

Getting people together to connect over food, events or anytype of ‘happening’ in the community. Even though everyone and their mother thinks I’m a HUGE extrovert (EVEN MY MOM)- walking into a “party” or place/event where I know NO ONE is NOT my favorite thing to do. I knew Andie (which made it easier) and she is great- I just jumped right into my first brunch. .

I got through the awkward hellos (on my end- NOT the women sitting next to me) and met some pretty awesome women at the brunch. I left feeling energized (b/c meeting new people always makes me feel less lonely) and I can’t wait for the next events. Thanks Andie for all your support and for putting something together to increase the community involvement.



