
I call them—>
the “it’ll be better WHENS...”
They are distant cousins to the “what if” game that I also play on occasion.
“It’ll be better WHEN”
-I can get out of this job
-she’s out of my life
-my hair is shorter
-I buy a house
-I have a spouse
-the wedding is DONE
-the weight is lost
-the job is landed
-this car ride is OVER
-the kids are potty trained

It’ll be better when...
I’m 33 years old, so I’m NO expert on life, but one thing that I HAVE picked up on this far -is that Life is NEVER perfect.
—>when the car ride is over, I have to unpack and clean
—>when I’ve finally “Marie Kondoed my whole house, I have to stare at a blank wall at think about my uncomfortable thoughts that I was avoiding by buying/uncluttering.
—>when the weight is gone, my loved one has to go to rehab and I battle feelings of “why me?”
You see, life isn’t about NOT dealing with pain and frustration.
Life is about confronting each step- head on with different tools in your tool belt.
Life is about learning to enjoy the process-
happiness is at the end of a rainbow sometimes-
And by chasing it-we miss out on the butterfly that has landed on our nose.
By focusing on the “it’ll be better WHENS” we miss out on the occasional “good stuff” of NOW- •
and I promise, life will ALWAYS throw curve balls-
My hope, is that with each swing, with each at bat and with each strike out, I learn to become a better hitter. -
Tag a friend that has been with you over the years, the process- the what if’s and the it’ll be better WHENS- and let them know how BOMB they are!



