
Funny thing about being a mom--->

when I see her climb up the rope ladder at the park and fall time and time again --

and I hold her butt in the palm of my hand (for just a little extra support) while encouraging her

to “keep on trying--> it’ll come sweet pea, you just gotta keep trying it”

And I don’t even get to the end of my sentence before her feet step up on that rope ladder again-

I just think- what a fantastic thing about kids-

they don’t care who sees,

how many times they try,

or how many times they fall,

they just keep trying. .

Thank you God for our children and the countless lessons they teach us. .

Your support from my latest post- blew me away.

I told Nick, anytime I even THINK about being sad, all I have to do is read ANY ONE of your comments/messages and I am OVERCOME with gratitude.

Each one of you have made such a positive impact in my lives- from the deepest part of my being-

THANK YOU and I love you all. .



