
Since I will be teaching Zumba with the @numericacu this coming Tuesday (July 9th at 7:15) and haven’t taught it for QUITE some time-
I thought it would be fun to do a couple of posts this week on how I started teaching as well as some take aways.
Number one: Going into something blindly, is sometimes a good thing- it will give you perspective of what it’s like to be “your first time”
I signed up for Zumba training in Dusseldorf Germany in 2010- (no, this is not a rejected disney dwarf, it’s a city in the ole’ Deutschland) haha-
Prior to signing up for this training- I had NEVER taken a Zumba class. I had ONLY seen ads for it and thought it looked fun.
So I drove my unexpected self to the weekend long training and walked into a class (of about 30 Germans) to learn how to teach my first group fitness class.
I was certified by @marta_formoso (ima huge fan!) & when she began teaching the class, she asked anyone to raise their hand-if They spoke Engligh.
“HOLY CRAP”- I thought.
NO ONE is raising their hand! (Well DUH, I AM in GERMANY!)
So there I sat, slowly raising my hand up like she had asked the class if anyone had leprosy.
I WAS the ONLY engligh speaking one- therefore she would have to speak in German and randomly translate the jist of what was said afterwards, to ME- EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
I felt like crying.
We took our first break about and hour in and I walked to the bathroom and contemplated leaving to drive back home.
I honestly don’t know WHAT kept me there- may be the money I had spent already? Maybe the embarrassment of the story afterward if I had left? --I don’t know- but I’m glad SO GLAD I stayed.
Not only was this my first step in group fitness career, but it fuels the stores I tell EACH and every ONE of my students that walk into my classes today-
“If this is your first time taking THIS class- please know that I have been doing this for almost 10 years- so it’s normal to feel awkward- it’s YOUR first time doing something.
I also want you to realize how cool it is that you, today TRIED something new- b/c that’s a wonderful step to living a full life!



