The scale.
You know how some people can have a drink and stop at one, and alcoholics are baffled by this?
This is “my drink” —> the scale. .
The scale tells me if I’m good enough. The scale reassures the negative talk that runs trough my head when 3 numbers roll out.
My battle with this thing without a brain started when I was 12- and for the past two years I haven’t set foot on it. I have turned around at doctors appointments, and I made sure to take the batteries out before taking this picture, because I am still not “mind-set- healthy” battle mode ready right now to sink into that hole again.
Some people may call me crazy, and that’s cool- because everyone has their own crazy and This may not be yours-
But, in my day to Day journey, I struggle with this one.
And since I’m in the midst of a “battle”—I thought I would share it with you all. .
I keep repeating, “this is ONE number that defines the pull here I have on earth.”
Some other reportable numbers—
Blood pressure, 02 saturation and pulse are all within healthy limits.
Some other numbers, I gave my husband 6 smooches today, my daughter 14 hugs and sent out one package to a dear friend.
These are numbers that matter more to me. Until another day, thanks for listening.